International efforts to mobilise the full potential of universities
National governments and international organisations such as the European Commission and OECD have actively encouraged the transformation of universities into engines of socio-economic development. Between 2005 and 2013 the OECD Reviews of HE in Regional and City Development analysed how the higher education system impacts upon regional and local growth. At the same time the reviews helped universities boost their industry and community engagement and build partnership between academia, government, industry and society.
Growing knowledge base on universities' role as socio-economic engines...
Invited to lead this work in OECD Jaana Puukka developed and grew the impact, scope, reach of the reviews so that they engaged hundreds of HEIs in 35 cities or regions in about 25 countries. She led international review teams in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and Africa. She co-authored and edited the OECD flagship publication “Higher Education in Regions – Globally Competitive, Locally Engaged” and a range of city-/region-specific OECD review reports that analyse higher education system’s role in socio-economic development. These reports are available in the OECD library (search for: Higher Education in Regional and City Development).
....and strong impact on national and institutional policies and practices
The reviews provided a laboratory and test bed for institutional and national policies. They developed the global knowledge base, increased the awareness and understanding of universities’ third role and influenced institutional, national and supra-national policies. For example the European Commission emphasizes the need for smart specialisation strategies that build on strong partnerships between businesses, public entities and universities.
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Education, innovation, higher education, regional development, evaluation, science parks, third mission, community engagement, triple helix, smart specialisation, clusters, knowledge triangle
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